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9 Winter Plants That Dazzle Even in Snow

Tired of staring at leafless trees and patches of snow in your yard each winter? We’ve chosen nine great plants that add greenery, cool shapes, and will even blossom outside your window in the heart of winter. Hardy across many zones, these plants make terrific additions to your garden plans.

Flowering Quince (pictured)

If you’ve got a black thumb, flowering quince is a good choice. Virtually indestructible, flowering quince tolerates climate extremes and neglect. This deciduous thorny shrub can stretch up to 8 feet wide, makes great natural fencing, and puts on a big show of blossoms in winter. Plant in spring or fall.

Check out more gorgeous winter plant selections by reading the full story here: http://www.houselogic.com/photos/gardens/winter-plants/slide/flowering-quince-chaenomeles/?sf6624893=1&cid=eo_sm_fb_mxm-social